Familymart is one of the major players in the convenience retail shops in Taiwan, operating all over the country. Their brand is synonymous with offering great value, wide chose and operating 24/7.
The Familymart app over the last decade had been touche dby over 10 service provideers. This has resulted in a broken mobile app that customers seldom used.
Rearchitecting the Mobile App and defining what the app is supposed to do would help untangle the many functions and features that the app was riddled with. This would help pave the initial steps in defining the functional features as well as a much needed redesign to help
Final Result
For almost 50 years Leighton Asia, one of the region’s largest and most respected construction companies, has been progressively building for a better future by leveraging international expertise with local intelligence. In that time Leighton has delivered some of Asia’s prestigious buildings and transformational infrastructure projects.